Hero section title imageIT consulting

Welcome to Aligned Code's IT consulting services, where technology meets strategic excellence. Our IT consultants can guide you through the ever-changing world of technology and make it work for your organization.


Our IT consulting services

Our ITconsulting process

  1. 01

    Consultation. Following our initial consultation, we determine your organization's current state, objectives, and trouble spots. This phase involves in-depth discussions to identify your challenges and needs.

  2. 02

    Assessment. Our experts perform a detailed analysis of your business' IT infrastructure, systems, and operations to pinpoint areas that need improvement.

  3. 03

    Solution design. By gathering insights, we design tailored solutions, strategies, and roadmaps that maximize your IT investments and simplify your workflow.

  4. 04

    Implementation. Our strategies are brought to life by implementing the outlined solutions, be it digital transformation, software modernization, cloud migration, or any other focus area.

  5. 05

    Monitoring. Continuous monitoring of your systems confirms that everything runs as intended. We respond promptly to any issues or improvements.

  6. 06

    Evaluation. Assessing our strategies and the impact they have on your business objectives is one of our key tasks. This evaluation helps us fine-tune and optimize our solutions further.

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    Support. We offer ongoing support for IT improvements, so you remain competitive in the rapidly changing field of technology.

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about IT consulting

What is IT consulting, and why is it important for businesses?

IT consulting involves advising businesses on how to effectively use technology to reach their goals. It's crucial because it helps companies identify the best technologies and strategies to streamline operations, lower expenses (typically by up to 30%), and improve efficiency in general.

How can IT consulting services benefit my organization?

IT consulting services can be beneficial to your business in various ways, such as optimizing your IT infrastructure, refining security, providing cost-effective solutions, and ensuring alignment between technology and your business goals.

What should I consider when choosing an IT consulting firm?

When you choose an IT consulting firm, consider factors, such as their expertise in your industry, a track record of successful projects, communication skills, and the ability to provide a solution appropriate to your organization's demands. To learn more about Aligned Code's expertise, check out our portfolio.

What are common IT challenges that businesses face?

Common IT challenges include cybersecurity threats, system downtime, data management, and staying current with technological advancements. IT consulting helps tackle these challenges with efficiency.

How can IT consulting enhance cybersecurity for my organization?

IT consulting can improve cybersecurity by uncovering potential threats, implementing robust security measures, educating employees, and staying updated on the latest security practices and technologies. This can mitigate the risk of security breaches by up to 60%.

What's the difference between IT consulting and managed IT services?

IT consulting focuses on advising and planning technology strategies, while managed IT services involve ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and support of IT systems. In most cases, IT consulting comes before managed services are implemented.

What industries can benefit from IT consulting services?

IT consulting is valuable for a multitude of industries, including healthcare, finance, education, manufacturing, retail, and more. Technology-based organizations can benefit from IT consulting services, often achieving a return on investment (ROI) of 300% or more.

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