Hero section title imagePortfolio

Product type


Frechbike cover image
  • #Mobile
  • #Design
  • #E-commerce

Mobile app design for the manufacturer and supplier of e-bicycles

Find out how we created a UI/UX design for a mobile app that allows users to manage their electric bicycles, assisting the client every step of the way.

Open case
Vipplay cover image
  • #Web
  • #Media

Custom TV app development for a global media and communications company

Find out how Aligned Code developed a TV application that had 25,000 MAU in CIS countries and Northern Europe in a year after launch.

Open case
Habiton cover image
  • #Mobile
  • #Social
  • #Healthcare

A mobile app for building and tracking healthy habits

Find out how a technology startup was able to raise $1.2 million with a mobile app for building habits and monitoring progress.

Open case
Photo Editor cover image
  • #Mobile
  • #Social

A mobile photo editing app for a technology startup

Get to know how Aligned Code created a mobile photo editing app that attracted $1.2 million in funding.

Open case
Happyo cover image
  • #mobile
  • #Social

A mobile social gaming app for filming and sharing videos

A technology startup came to Aligned Code to create a social video-sharing platform, standardize mobile development processes, and reduce the feature release cycle.

Open case
Serenity cover image
  • #Web
  • #Fintech
  • #Cloud

Cloud-based digital asset risk platform for a financial services company

A fintech startup came to Aligned Code to deliver a cloud-based platform that would provide investors with actionable risk, correlation, and other data insights to create portfolios and trade digital assets confidently.

Open case
Pig-check cover image
  • #Web
  • #Saas
  • #Agriculture

A SaaS system and PWA app for pig farm management in Germany

Find out how we developed a SaaS system for farmers, veterinary surgeons, and consulting companies to renounce routine tail docking, as part of the German National Knowledge Network Copier Waiver project.

Open case
ACVoD cover image
  • #Web
  • #Mobile
  • #Tv
  • #Media

A video-on-demand platform for TV, web, and mobile devices

Find out how our team created a VoD application that supports TVs, web, and mobile devices while cutting time to market by 2x–3x.

Open case

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